The Grants Pass Museum of Art holds a special event once a year called Open Studios. This is a weekend where select artists open their home/studio to the public for people to experience first hand the unique artwork creation process and support the artists by purchasing their originals or prints. I have the privilege of participating in this year's event, which will only feature local artists located north of the Rogue River.
The Open Studios event started last week with a Preview Exhibition in the Grants Pass Museum of Art, where you can see a sampling of the artwork from all thirteen artists this year. The main course happens on September 29th and 30th, the last weekend of the month. Visitors are welcome to visit all 10 locations for a fun weekend of creativity and education.
I will not be opening my home for the event. Instead, I have partnered with my old art professor, Joshua Morton, where we will both be exhibiting our work in the art department of Grants Pass High School. He will be painting on the spot with his amazing and colorful acrylic portraits. I will have my Wacom Mobilestudio Pro connected to the projector so everyone can see my digital art creation process from sketch to color.
To attend the Open Studios, you must purchase a ticket for admittance. Tickets include a map and artist guide book, available for $20 each. They can be purchased at the Grants Pass Museum of Art, the Gallery One, or Oregon Books & Games. This isn't a fundraiser. This event is put on by the artists for the artists. Your support goes a long way.
Experience art and how it is made first hand during the weekend of September 29th & 30th. Since this year we will showcase artists whose studios are located north of the Rogue River, in 2019 you can visit artists south of the Rogue River.